Welcome to Provost
New to Town? We think you will enjoy our community of kind, hard-working people.
There are several churches, two school systems, a modern hospital and medical clinic with extended care facilities inside the modern health care facility.
Hillcrest Lodge rivals care and quality living of any large city.
Police protection is provided by RCMP, town and M.D. 52 special constables as well as a conservation officer. We are also served by emergency phone number, 911.
The Town is governed by an elected mayor and council while the surrounding M.D. 52 is served by an elected reeve, currently Allan Murray and councillors from surrounding divisions. The M.D. also has industrial land for sale in the area.
If you’re new to town you will likely want to find out what’s going on every week by reading The Provost News. You can subscribe at our secure site or by coming into our office at 5115-50 (Main) Street in downtown Provost.
We are served by Highways 13 and 899 and have one of the largest rural runways in the province at 5,000 feet long.
Geese and deer bring sportsmen from thousands of miles to test their skills here.

Other activities are associated with an indoor skating arena (fielding several hockey teams and figure skating) as well as an outdoor heated swimming pool in the summer.
The main economy of our community is driven by hundreds of people working in the rich grain, livestock and oil and gas industries. Those quality products, produced locally find competitive markets both here and around the globe. A large installation in the west end of the M.D. 52 houses massive and important oil and gas installations that ship thousands of barrels of oil daily from this area to the Eastern Canadian markets and to those in the Chicago area. Local oil is produced here and oil from the northern part of the province is also funnelled through this expanding area located in this M.D. (Fact: the oil reserves in Alberta are larger than Saudi Arabia’s and the oilsands are destined to become the single largest source of foreign oil to our U.S. neighbours to the south.
Provost is located in East Central Alberta, close to the Saskatchewan border.
We use Daylight Saving Time which begins on the second Sunday in March and ends the first Sunday in November.
Canadian Pacific sends trains through town to pick up grain and deliver heavy supplies like oilfield pipes; picture of the line is here.

For a map of where Provost is located, click here.
There are a variety of groups or services such as Kinsmen, Chamber of Commerce, adult education, Ministerial Association (who also operate a food bank), AADAC, Public Health nurses, senior citizen drop in centre, Pre-natal services, Adult Literacy, modern ambulance service, a large handi-van, counselling for youth, families or individuals, a mental health program, services for seniors, libraries (at Amisk, Bodo, Cadogan Czar, Hughenden, and Provost.
There is also bowling, summer swimming, an ice arena, tennis courts, ball diamonds, basketball for men in winter (Tuesday and Thursday nights), discing in some communities, organized hockey, figure skating, baseball, volleyball, curling, golf, archery, tae kwon do, a well equipped fitness gym in Provost, slow-pitch, soccer, 4-H (see a picture of achievement day at Amisk), Candy Cane Lane (non-profit volunteers operating second-hand clothing store), volunteer fire departments with modern equipment, Dilberry Lake Provincial Park, Capt. Ayre and Shorncliffe Lake Parks in the area, a Farmers’ Market, Girl Guides, cowboys still living out in the Wild West (another link here) Masonic Lodge, Oddfellows Lodge at Czar, Provost Agricultural Society, Provost Arts & Crafts, Provost Economic Development Committee (contact Town), Scouts, senior citizens’ drop in centre, Rosenheim Historical Society (see a picture of this restored and famous landmark here), Toastmasters, Provost Fish and Game Association (take a peek), a renowned Bluebird Trail and a Youth Group. And even see somethingthat isn’t even really here, but was photographed by The Provost News giant illusions.
Some other communities on a map can be seen here.