District 4-H Achievement Days Held at Amisk

The arena in Amisk was busy as 4-H animals and their owners showed off top quality entries from local clubs. The female portion of the show and market steer judging competitions took place on Wednesday while the steer show and other classes took place the next day. The Amisk 4-H Beef Club that was formed 50 years ago hosted the annual Provost District 4-H Achievement Day. ©Provost News Photo. Full store in June 8 edition of The Provost News. Want to Subscribe to The Provost News? Click here.
Provost News Captures Two National Awards
The Provost News placed third place in one category and second in another competition in the Canadian Community Newspapers Association awards that were presented Saturday evening, June 4 in Banff.
Third place was for Best Web Site Design (newspaper circulation up to 3,999). First place went to the Powell River (B.C.) Peak with 95 out of 100 points; second to the Strathmore (Alberta) Standard (84 points) while The Provost News had 82 points.
The website provostnews.ca was originally designed by Internet Alberta www.internetalberta.com/ and was later enhanced by Brett Holmes who continues to do regular updates, maintenance and has created original websites for other local customers that are linked via the home site. The judge wrote of the websites in part that the winners kept state-of-the-art technical implementation to a minimum, and carefully selected and used them for valid reasons. Contrasting and complementary, rather than clashing, items of interest are placed on larger screen real estate. Images are used to draw the reader into the stories buried deeper in the website.
In the Best Photo Essay (newspaper circulation up to 3,999) the judges stated in written comments that photojournalist Rich Holmes came in a close second place for a two page colour spread called Exploring Natures Great Sandbox. Click here to see the award winning photo essay. Richard also had an original yet simple idea of photographing sand in various ways including emptying a shoe filled with sand. First place was earned by the Salmon Arm (B.C.) Observer while third was awarded to the Biggar (Sask.) Independent. The judge added that most of the photo essays in this category were really well done, and it was obvious that the editors made room for the photographers to tell their photo stories.