Top Rider

Ken Christensen is shown with his winning hardware after taking first place in the masters (over age 40) division at the recent United States Cross Country’s famed International 500 snowmobile race. The local man also took second place in the semi-pro division following three days of competition. Two other racers from here also placed high in the standings. Story in this week's paper. ©Provost News Photo. |
Ken Christensen Top Snowmobile Racer in U.S. Master’s Division
Ken Christensen came back from a United States Cross Country (USCC) snowmobile competition winning first place in the master’s division (ages 40 and over) and also captured second place in the semi-pro division.
Christensen now 48 has sold his sled and says he will take a year off before deciding to go back to race competitively.
The USCC hosts the famed International 500 (I-500) which is the most publicized cross-country snowmobile race in the circuit and the lower 48 states of the United States.
Competitions were also recently taken in by Aaron Christensen (Brian Christensen’s son) and 22 year old Lucas Kemper, all who work at Western Rentals in Provost.
Races in the USCC primarily take place in the U.S. midwest of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Michigan.
Ken Christensen who rode at Thief River Falls, (a city in Pennington County, Minnesota) and in North Dakota told The Provost News that there were at least a dozen competitors in that division. In the semi-pro division where he took second place at the end of January there were an estimated 40 drivers from the U.S. and Canada. He and others put on 160 miles per day over the three days with approximately three hours of driving per day. The weather conditions were bad at the time and with -25 C temperatures and a 25 mile per hour wind it was “one of the coolest races we’ve done.” One day riders faced poor visibility. |
Of his first place win Christensen said it felt “good, especially coming from fourth position on the first day.”
He was averaging 50 miles per hour during the race but hit speeds of up to 90 miles per hour on the rivers where there was lots of snow which is easier on the sleds. He ran a Polaris 600-R (600 c.c.). in the semi-pro.
This was his fourth year competing in the event and though he finds it funthe drive to get to the U.S. race is 800 miles one way from Provost.
Rest of story in March 30 edition of The Provost News.
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New 23,000 Sq. Ft. Farm Dealership Building Officially Opens
An estimated 375 people took in Battle River Implements Ltd.’s grand opening of its new 23,000 square foot home in Provost on Thursday, March 24.
Battle River Implements Ltd.’s general manager Terry Hamilton welcomed the crowd at noon hour and also introuduced Bob Jackson, John Deere’s Western Canadian division sales manager of Grimsby, Ontario.
Rest of story in March 30 edition of The Provost News.
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Cash Being Raised to do Test Drilling for Potash
Full story in March 30 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "Who is Your Favourite Singer?"
. . . and we heard answers from Zach Sager, Randy Walz, Calista Trenerry and Bobbie Heck. Check out the March 30 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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