Going Quackers

This wild bird throws water high into the air as it finally lifts off following leisurely swims around the artificial pond in Provost. The duck has appeared so many times over several days that little attention is paid to it by swimmers including assistant Piranhas swim coach Emma Allen (left) and Jill Meier just before practice gets underway. ©Provost News Photo. |
Pengrowth’s $30 Million Bodo Project Includes Drilling 35 Wells
• Energy Firm Happy With Polymer Testing to Increase Heavy Oil Recovery
Pengrowth Energy Corporation reports in its first quarter 2011 results and expanded 2011 capital program that it will soon be pumping more money into its Bodo heavy oil drilling.
The Bodo heavy oil properties south east of Provost straddle the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and produces oil mainly from the McLaren and Lloydminster formations.
For the remainder of 2011 Pengrowth anticipates spending $30 million at Bodo which will include the drilling of approximately 35 wells which are expected to add incremental production by the fourth quarter of 2011.
These mature assets have ‘significant amounts’ of original-oil-in-place with relatively low (five percent) recovery factors attributed to them.
Manager of investor relations for Pengrowth Energy Corporation in Calgary, Wassem Khalil told The Provost News in a telephone interview that they have been working on a polymer pilot project at Bodo since 2006 and are “happy with the test results” so are broadening the work there.
He adds that the drilling of the new wells will take place in the third and fourth quarters and that they will contract the drilling out to another company.
Although this project takes place in 2011, the company’s heavy oil interests including the polymer use at Bodo is a “multi-year” project.
Pengrowth Energy reports that the fields are shallow heavy oil plays that are ideal candidates for incremental recovery using the polymer enhanced oil recovery method.
Rest of story in June 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Myles Butt Has Grand Champion 4-H Animal
The Provost 4-H District hosted the annual district beef achievement days at the 4-H show pavilion at Shorncliffe Lake on June 1 and 2. The two-day show began with the female show and the district judging competition. Thursday was full of the members’ beef steer projects, the junior beef class, the Cleaver Kid pilot program and the sale.
Rest of story and photo in June 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "Now That the Federal Gov’t. Has a Majority, What Should Its Priority Be?"
. . . and we heard answers from Richard Charlton, Gerald Morrell, Brent Paulgaard and Mark Almberg. Check out the June 8 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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