Metiskow Post Office
Marks 100 Years Service

The Metiskow Post Office celebrated 100 years of service to the public with an open house at the hall in Metiskow on Wednesday, September 1. At left former postmaster Linda Colp and her daughter, current postmaster Paula Motley looked over some memorabilia at a table set out for guests including Marie Setterlund of Sherwood Park and Neale Charlton of Czar, to look through. Lunch and a birthday cake were served to all guests that day. Records show the first postmaster was M. S. Johnston who was appointed on September 1, 1910. There is one full time employee at the post office and casual help brought in on occasion to staff the operation which runs Monday to Friday. Two people: Colp and former postmaster Lottie Todd together put in the most years. Todd managed the mail operation from 1954 to 1980 while Colp ran it from 1980 to 2005 when Motley took over. ©Provost News Photo.
Crops Look GoodBut Harvest Late 10 Days to 3 Weeks
•Doubling of Bale Production Here ‘Unheard of’
Rainfall that arrived in summer was good for crops at the time but now many farmers are dealing with harvesting of crops anywhere from 10 days to three weeks later than normal because of the cool damp weather in July.
The sub-soil moisture was built up in mid-summera normally hot period and because of that, some heat that would have been used in crop development was lost, says Jim Schon who has been on the swather at his farm 15 miles southeast of Provost.
He also records rainfall data each growing season and from May 1 to August 19, 294 millimetres (11 and 8/10 inches) had fallen in his yard. In May there was 95.5 millimetres (3.75 inches), while in June there was 92.5 millimetres (3.64 inches), and July (when it’s usually very dry) 76 millimetres (3 inches), were recorded. So that rain was welcome, says the farmer, because last year the fall was so dry. The timing of the rain in the summer was important because a lot of the crops would not have germinated without it “so basically that saved a lot of guys’ bacon.”
The rainfall translates into good crops but the cooler weather also meant later seeding for some, so many crops are behind normal development.
And that brings on the fear of frost.
Some crops are still not ready to swath Schon noted recentlyand if frost hits, some of the crops will be damaged.
Producers are hoping and “looking for a frost-free fall.”
In the meantime some farmers are reporting the production of four to five hay bales to the acre “which is unheard of.” Two bales would be considered good, depending on the land type.
Those with the doubling of hay production might be compared to those that are growing the product “more like Red Deer County” where rainfall is generally much higher than the Provost area.
Complete story and photo in September 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Team Wins Silver at Softball Championship in Victoria
A team representing East Central Alberta peewee girls won a silver medal at the Canadian little league softball championship in Victoria, B.C. on August 5-10.
The team, with Provost players lost in the final game 13 -3 to the B.C. Layritz ball club.
Story and photo in September 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Cemetery Gets New Mower After Donations
The Provost Cemetery received a new lawn mower on September 1, donated by memorial funds in Aggy Reschny’s memory and the Town of Provost.
The old lawn mower, which was purchased in 2003, was traded in locally for a new one at an approximate $12,000 value. It was purchased this fall as “prices next year would have went up,” said Harold Reschny.
Complete story and photos in September 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "Asked at Metiskow: What Do You Like About Rural Post Offices?"
. . . and we heard answers from Uno Setterlund, Butch Sannachan, Joyce Setterlund and Neale Charlton. Check out the September 8 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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