Short-handed Goal

Twelve year old Mackenzie Bouma (top, left) of the Provost PeeWees hockey club scores the first goal of this game on a short-handed play while taking on the visiting Hughenden club on Friday evening, October 29. The visiting club went on to win 6-3. ©Provost News Photos.
Few Problems Reported From Southern Alberta Communities With Operating Wind Farms
Since the Provost area is being considered for large scale wind turbine farms, The Provost News has contacted two southern Alberta newspaper publishers who have had the energy producing towers in their area for years.
One of the areas where there is wind energy producing is the Fort MacLeod countryside while another is near Taber.
As well the editor of a newspaper in a Saskatchewan community where turbines are now going up has also documented stories about developments there including a lawsuit over the project.
This information is presented in an attempt to shed more light on what a similar wind development might mean for this area and how others have reacted to such a project.
Coleen Campbell of The Taber Times (and who oversees four other southern Alberta papers) says that “The wind farms were actually accepted in our community without any hesitation (that we have heard)no opposition at all.”
She notes that the turbines have been there for about four years.
“We have two (wind farms) in our area, one with 20 turbines and one with 15 and we haven’t heard of any new ones coming in. The farmers received payment for having them on their land. They do pay taxes to the MD but as far as additional jobs, it is minimal.”
The Taber wind farm started operations in the fall of 2007 following approximately 16 months of construction. Located southeast of the town of Taber, the 80 MW facility is the largest wind farm in Alberta, according to Enmax Energy producing enough power for approximately 32,000 homes.
Campbell, who is past president of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association, says that “With Fort MacLeod and Pincher Creek paving the way, it was smooth sailing for Taber.”
Near Pincher Creek, The Kettles Hill Wind Farm is comprised of 35 turbines with a current capacity of 63 MW. Enmax Energy, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, acquired the facility in June 2008. The wind farm has potential for a further 77 MW and the regulatory process for expansion has been initiated for that area. TransAlta’s 66-megawatt Summerview 2 wind farm in southern Alberta began commercial operation on Feb. 23, 2010. The Summerview expansion is located adjacent to the Summerview 1 wind farm. The Summerview site now has a total installed capacity of 136 megawatts. There are other sites operating in Alberta not listed here.
At The Fort MacLeod Gazette, publisher Frank McTighe responded to several questions:
Q. Generally how are the wind turbines accepted in your community by your local population?
Complete story in November 3 edition of The Provost News.
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Provost Man Sets Up, Trains Russians to Operate Seed Cleaning Plant
The manager of the Provost Seed Cleaning Plant spent 12 days in Russia this fall showing workmen there how to operate modern equipment that had been imported from Canada.
Hugh Baier was the man called upon to travel to Russia by a firm in Saskatoon that sold the same line of seed cleaning equipment as what operates just east of Provost.
Complete story in November 3 edition of The Provost News.
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Czar Has Scary Haunted House
Complete story in November 3 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "What’s Most Important to Remember When Playing a Team Sport Like Volleyball?"
. . . and we heard answers from Rachel Bouma, Charli Hodgson, Rebecca Peat and Kirsti Clifford. Check out the November 3 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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