Thousands of birds (above) seemed to appreciate a little solar warming (they may not have read about the trouble Icarus, of Greek mythology had flying a little too close to the sun) as they came in for a landing on a field near the photographer’s house at sunset. ©Provost News Photos.
19 Giant Tanks Add to Growing Oil Hub
Extra 7.5 Million Barrels of Storage Space
An official opening of 19 new massive tanks that Enbridge Pipelines Inc. constructed was celebrated on Tuesday, October 20 south east of Hardisty.
The new tanks will accommodate more oil flowing from northern Alberta. With the extra capacity, Enbridge’s customers can hold oil in the tanks and wait for favourable selling conditions before it is shipped to market. A new feature built-in will now allow the oil to be heated to help it move down the pipeline when the weather is cold.
The new tankstypical of those already used by Enbridge range in size from 250,000 to 530,000 barrels for a total capacity of 7.5 million barrels.
Up to a peak of 600 workers worked on the project just inside the west side of the M.D. of Provost over the last two to three years with only one lost time accident during the $600 million expansion project.
Al Monaco, executive vice-president of major projects for Enbridge called the “opening a big deal for us” and told an invited crowd that the oil hub is their second largest only to their Cushing, Oklahoma operation. He said 2.3 million man-hours were put into the project and the safety record was well above industry standards.
Art Meyer, a senior vice-president welcomed everyone to the celebration and commented on a 60th anniversary video that was presented.
Lyle Welder for Enbridge who was given the nickname “tank commander” said that there was “great support from the community” during the project.
Complete story in October 28 edition of The Provost News.
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H1N1 Vaccinations to Start Here Thursday
Alberta Health Services has begun offering people vaccinations across the province to fight a disease called H1N1.
Public health nurse Shirlianne Neufeld told The News at her office in Provost on Monday, October 26 that “The phones have been lit up” with people seeking information when the clinics will be held locally.
The first one is on Thursday in town.
“There seems to be a high interest in our community, for sure” adds Neufeld.
Full story and photo in October 28 edition of The Provost News.
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Area Women Win Bronze Medal at World Masters Games
See photo in October 28 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "Enbridge Just Added 19 More Tanks in the M.D. for Crude Oil. What Does This Mean for Albertaand North America?"
. . . and we heard answers from Leon Zupan, Lyle Welder, Art Meyer and Brad Younger. Check out the October 28 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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