Summer Fun

Brooklynn Fraser of Provost (top left) continues through the waters of Dilberry Lake while nine year old Lacey Gallinger of Macklin gets tripped up as students were put through a warm-up by their instructor. Lessons for the two week session at Dilberry Lake wound up on Friday with approximately 110 registered from ages three to 13 taking part. Nicole Ganser and Roxy Werenka organized hiring the four instructors for the annual session.
Bottom picture shows a girl letting gravity take over during lessons that were meanwhile taking place at Capt. Ayre Lake by an estimated 150 students with four instructors, organized by Janel Hanch and Jenelle Tizzard. These two week lessons finish up on July 17 and in August the Capt. Ayre Lake Improvement Association will mark its 50th anniversary at a celebration featuring a variety of activities. Capt. Ayre Lake was named after a man who lived on the lake’s shore by Milo Yearous in either 1913 or 1914. See other story in this paper. ©Provost News Photos.
Capt. Ayre Lake Was Named in 1913-14; Celebration Planned
As plans are being made this summer to mark the 50th anniversary of Capt. Ayre Lake Improvement Association's 50th anniversary, The News dug for and found some history on the lake south west of Cadogan.
The following is from the October 21, 1970 edition of The Provost News:
“Capt. Ayre Lake Named in 1913-14 By Milo Yearous While on Council
Capt. Ayre Lake was named in 1913-or 1914 by Milo Yearous at the time he was on the council of the M.D. of Hillcrest. Mr. Yearous was also Reeve in 1917.
Capt. Ayre Lake, located west and a short distance south of Cadogan is a small fresh water lake and has been the object of having its name’s origin and its spelling disputed.
According to Mr. Yearous who has lived in the Cadogan area for many years, he gave the lake its name after a man who lived on the lake’s shore for some years. The man, Captain Ayre, returned from the Boer War to Ohio and moved to Capt. Ayre Lake and started a horse ranch. Captain Ayre’s wife, who accompanied him, was thought to have run off with a boy friend who had followed them from Ohio. After that, Capt. Ayre also left the district and left his small house located on the N.E. corner of the lake. The old Sounding Lake trail ran right past his place.
Since Capt. Ayre left (about the time Mr. Yearous named the lake) the name, not being entered on any official maps or documents, got changed several times until recently government officials got the wrong name from a sign post erected, showing the direction to the lake. The persons who put the sign up had never seen the correct name and spelled it as they saw fit. The Alberta Government does not have the correct name.
Mr. Yearous reported that in 1913 and 1914 the water level of the lakes in the district was as high as it ever was in the written history of the West. The cellar which, although has not been located, is expected to be the only evidence left of Captain Ayre. Due to the high water the cellar would have been located higher up the shore.
Another interesting note was that for a few years after Alberta became a province the Alberta-Saskatchewan boundary was considered to be on the west side of Capt. Ayre Lake until the railway came in.”
Complete story in July 15 edition of The Provost News.
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