Concrete Poured at New Arena / Pool

A worker at the site of the Regional Activity Centre quickly aims the tail end of a cement truck as he gets set to pour concrete to create a portion of the foundation on Wednesday, April 1. More photos inside. ©Provost News Photo.
Provost Smokers Urged to Call it Quits
The local Primary Care Network is actively recruiting residents of Provost to kick the habit of smoking.
Dr. Stephan Malan, who is the head of Healthy Life Styles, wants to increase public awareness of the issue and help people quit the addiction that costs the health care system so much. Malan hopes to achieve this by having a friendly competition between Provost and Consort residents.
Thus far, seven people from Provost have been recruited while three from Consort are on board. Those who get involved will make their attempt to quit smoking public to help keep them accountable to the effort.
When asked how many more people they need, Malan said “We hope all the smokers in town sign up.”
Smoking is one of the leading causes and contributor to disease, says Malan.
According to Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, the number of those who smoke has been declining since the turn of the century, but in Alberta about one in every five people still light up. Males aged 20 to 24 have the highest rates of smoking.
This is consistent with the Canadian average, but is much too high for those who regularly see people dealing with the consequence of smoking.
Primary Care Network is willing to help community members out by giving them the support they need. This includes medication (if necessary) like Champix, Zyban, Nicorette and the Nicoderm patch.
Dale Gregory of Provost likes the idea and says if he hadn't quit smoking cigars about five months ago, he’d be doing it too.
Complete story and photos in April 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Provost Ranks Last in Recent Wave of Funding for Seniors’ Centres
Amisk Senior Society Centre Fourth Last
Full story in April 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Seed Cleaning Plant in High Gear
Full story in April 8 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask : "If You Could be Younger or Older Than You Are Now, What Age Would You Choose?"
. . . and we heard answers from Emma Davis, Mitch West, Colette Johnson, Jeffrey Cazes, and Jacob Johnson. Check out the April 8 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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