Tricky Ride

This woman horse rider showed her special skills in front of an audience at the Cadogan rodeo grounds as part of some trick riding by her and another woman. The annual Cadogan Rodeo was held Saturday and Sunday, May 24 and 25. ©Provost News Photos.
Some Hughenden, Amisk Classes to Close, Amalgamate
Grades 1, 2 and 3 in Hughenden School are expected to close with students transferring to Amisk School, effective September 2008.
Meanwhile plans for closing Grades 4-8 at Amisk School are being made with students bussed to Hughenden School, school trustee Dave Nelson confirmed on May 23.
Students will complete the 2007-2008 school year in their current schools.
Amisk School will become the Amisk Public Primary Learning Environment (APPLE).
Buffalo Trail Public Schools trustees voted for the changes on Wednesday, May 21 during a monthly board meeting. Education Minister Dave Hancock, who is expected to approve the changes, was to soon be notified of the decision.
Bus routes will be changed to accommodate students affected and staffing reconfigurations will also be studied over the next few weeks.
Changes were made because of falling enrollments.
“This decision was the result of an extensive consultation process within the Amisk and Hughenden communities and surrounding areas,” said board chairman Brent Romanchuk. “Back in February we hosted an information evening for the two communities and received a positive response from most parents in attendance. When the board passed a motion at the March meeting to propose possible closure of these divisions, we met with parents and community members again to get their input. We allowed the communities a further three weeks to forward any written comments and opinions, as per the Alberta Education regulations, and all input was carefully considered before rendering our decision. We believe this is the best solution for the students of these communities.”