Red Carpet Rolled Out for Outstanding
Achiever at Canadian Film Première

A crowd of 285 people rose to their feet when former area resident Pete Friesen of Linden, Washington returned to his roots and was applauded by well-wishers on Saturday night, May 5 in Prairie Hall. He was led by two RCMP officers in red serges, piper Cliff Brown of Czar (above) and Special Constable Jamie Erickson. A film made of his adversities, achievements and philosophy was shown publicly here for the first time in Canada. Story, more pictures in this week's paper. ©Provost News Photo.
Provost and area saluted a former resident and high achiever, 85 year old Pete Friesen at an evening featuring the Canadian film première called Pete: Moving Manmade Mountains.
The film portrayed his life and was shown in Prairie Hall shortly after he was piped along a red carpet to his seatwhile receiving applause from 285 people on Saturday night, May 5.
Friesen, who spent much of his childhood on the farm in the Rosenheim district now lives at Linden, Washington and was honoured for beating back adversity, his four Guinness World Record featsand also recognized for being part of a team that received the United States’ highest engineering prizethe Opal Award.
The awards were made after Friesen master-minded moving thousands of buildings in North America, including lighthouses, an air terminal, theatres and others without damaging any of them.
The Provost event was organized by four local people who called themselves “The Friends of Pete Committee” and was attended by area residents as well as those from Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Washington and as far as St. Louis, Missouri.
Master of Ceremonies for the celebration was Marion Kelch of Czar who addressed the crowd after the 7:30 p.m. colour party arrived, by giving background to the time when the honoured man was a boy toiling in the area: “In 1934 in the midst of yet another dust storm, the winds tossing tumbleweeds across the trail, a 12 year old lad along with his brother commanded a team of horses pulling a hayrack. They were part of a caravan of rural refugees uprooted by the onset of the Great Depression and the Dustbowl, heading eastward to Saskatchewan. Draped in defeat and despairit must have been a sorrowful journey. Whoever could have imagined that 72 years later there would be another caravan? This timeguests making their way from parts of Canada and the United States . . . friends, relatives, descendants, colleagues, civic leaders, representatives of cultural organizations, business and the Government of Canada. Their destination, a town in eastern Albertato celebrate the achievements of that 12 year old boya person who throughout his life overcame adversities and utilized his God-given intelligence and creativeness to make a remarkable contribution to the engineering science of building relocation and thus preserving numerous historic buildings . . . a caravan of admirers coming to attend the Canadian film première of Pete: Moving Manmade Mountains.”
Full story and photos in May 9 edition of The Provost News.
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24 Students Honoured Saturday Evening at Hughenden Public School Graduation
Twenty-four Hughenden Public School Grade 12 students gathered on the evening of Saturday, May 5, at 7 p.m. to be honoured for the past school years. The ceremonies were held at the Hughenden Public School.
Story in May 9 edition of The Provost News.
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5 Town Library Computers Stolen During Night
Full story in May 9 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask : "What Main Message Was Conveyed Here at the Canadian Film Première?"
. . . and we heard opinions from Lamar McKay, Meno Unger, Cheri McKay, Bill Lee, and Pete Friesen.
Check out the May 9 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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