Board Break

Nine year old Brooklyn Carter of Provost first took a practice aim at the board held by taekwondo helper Blaine Sherring and then wound up with a swift taekwondo kick that splits this half inch thick pine during her green stripe testing. Left at back is Kinley Baier while watching at centre is Joshua Sikkema of Macklin. The action, along with sparring was held at Prairie Hall in Provost on Tuesday evening, March 10, 2015. Testing for belts took place that day and on Thursday. This is the 24th year of the Provost Taekwondo Club that was begun by Terri Miller, who now leads a club at Sundre. Instructor Neil Downing took over from Miller, then it was Marc Geestman operating the school which is now operated again by Downing with classes twice a week. There are approximately 55 people taking the sport in town. ©Provost News Photos.
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More pictures, stories can be found in the print edition of The Provost News, March 18, 2015 including:
• Expect Dry Weather This Year in Eastern Alberta—But Still Moisture in Soil, Farmers Hear
• Adjudicators in Place for Provost
Music Festival
• Employment/Careers
• Jickling on Winning Team at U.S. National Collegiate Hockey Tournament
• RCMP Investigate Thefts and Break-ins
• Annual Ice carnival Held at Provost Arena.
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