Remembrance Day Service Held

A wreath is carried to the front of the hall on Sunday, November 11 as an annual Remembrance Day service honoured those who had fought—and also died for the cause of freedom and democracy here and around the globe. Veterans Don Bouma (left) and Bill Carter of Provost were among those who stopped to remember in Provost. Get the rest of the story in the Nov. 14, 2012 edition. ©Provost News Photos.
Photo in November 14 edition of The Provost News.
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In the November 14 Provost News print edition:
Enbridge Proposes Another Pipeline to Feed Hardisty Tank Farm
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. is planning to construct a new pipeline from Edmonton to the Hardisty tank farm where it will connect to existing pipelines and facilities just inside of the Provost M.D. No. 52 boundary.
An open house was hosted by Enbridge Pipelines in Hardisty on Tuesday afternoon and evening, November 6.
The new line, if approved will have the capability of moving an extra 800,000 barrels per day of crude oil originating from the Alberta oil sands for storage, sorting and then shipment on to markets across Canada and the United States.
Get the rest of the story in the Nov. 14, 2012 Provost News print edition.
Also in the November 14 print edition of The Provost News:
• Dear Mr. Editor
• Rare birds pictured
• New Alberta Refinery Gets Go Ahead
• TransCanada's Largest Canadian Wind Farm Now Generating Power
• Shoe Drive Getting Organized
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