After Eight Weeks


Average bodyweight for Brett this week was 188.38 lbs with the low for the week being 187 lbs.
Brett has seen his average weekly-weight fall in 8 consecutive weeks.

Week 7 saw Brett having the least amount of sleep (6.44 hrs/night) during the program
while Week 8 (7.92 hrs/night) had the most. Oddly enough, final exams were in the middle
of Week 8, yet he still managed to get his sleep somehow.

Brett also grew his Final Exam Beard which he hasn't done in a while. Well, probably not since the last
set of final exams. Grooming is optional during finals. Actually, grooming is discouraged during finals.

Making Progress?
Compare this week's pics (above) to the "Before" pics by moving your cursor over the names below:

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