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Brett and Brad will mix weightlifting and humour, along with a lot of variety into our workouts to appeal to everyone.

Brett went up to Whitehorse with the goal of making personal bests in both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk events.
He did just that by Snatching 102.5 kgs, and Clean and Jerking 122.5 kgs, moving his official total up to 225 kgs from 212.5 kgs.
A big bonus came of the competition, two other lifters in Brett's weight class didn't achieve a total, so Brett found himself
with a silver medal, second only to Scott McCarthy, bronze medalist at last years Commonwealth Games in Manchester.

Brett and Brad are looking into buying their own set of rubber weights to do Olympic-Style lifting over the summer.
The weights will run over $1200.
Brett also bought some rollerblades, so now he can join Brad and get some more cardio into his routine.

Previous News
Brett and Brad are still going hard in anticipation of another intense BOOK summer back in P-town.
Brad is going to the gym on a frequent basis and is hoping the weather continues to get warmer so he can break
out the rollerblades to spice up his cardio routine.

Brett is off to Whitehorse, Yukon on March 29 for Western Canadian Championships. Brett made the senior Team Alberta despite
being a junior and will be travelling up to Whitehorse with the team. Brett was put on the team after his showing at the Hokkaido Cup.

Brett has two new personal bests since the Hokkaido Cup: Brett has bumped his Snatch up to 100 kgs (a 5 kg increase), and he has
also moved his Clean and Jerk up to 127.5 kgs (a 10 kg increase). He hopes to add to those pb's and turn some heads in Whitehorse.

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