Monthly Workout Songs

These tunes will get you psyched up for you next workout, guaranteed!
January "A Whole New World" by Aladdin and Jasmine, last names unknown, so please don't ask.
February "Mambo #5" by some guy who's 15 minutes of fame lasted 3 minutes
March "A Teaspoon of Sugar" by Mary Poppins
April "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" by Simba.
May "Don't You Put It In Your Mouth" by a bunch of puppets who remind us exactly where not to put our underwear after an intense workout.
June The Theme Song to Super Mario Brothers. BOOK thinks it goes something like this:
"doo doo doo, doo doo da doo, doo doo da doo da doo doo doo doo da doo".
(sang in the key of D, of course). These plumbers sure knew how to work their pipes.
July "The Spanish Train" by some guy who names songs after trains in Spain even though this song is about poker.
August "Pop Goes The Weasel" - by some guy who was later reported by animal rights
activists and thrown in jail until he apoligized to the weasel which he had popped.
September "You Sexy Thing" by Barry White because this is what is commonly said by senior citizens when Brad and Brett jog by them.
October "Whereever, Whenever" by Shakira. This is how often we review our BOOKs.
Click here to see what we mean.
November "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes".... only because this song
mentions major body parts that should not be ignored while at the gym.
Brad and Brett sing this song during every workout in the month of November.
December Jingle Dumbells, Jingle Dumbells

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