The Hair

The BOOK team recently uncovered older pictures to show how Brad and Brett have developed. But this time it's not about the muscle, it's about the hair.

Brad, from one extreme to the next.
This photo was taken in the summer of 2001. He goes from being the baldest person in Alberta to the hairiest person in
North America. The girls go wild over him

This particular picture of Brett was taken in the first few days of the year 2002. Isn't it amazing how both pictures of Brett have him wearing the same shirt as the photo below?
What are the odds? (BOOK has taken this question seriously and determined that the odds are actually 1/38, for those of you placing bets at home).
Note how the trapezoid muscles have developed in the past 1.5 years, thanks to BOOK.

For those who are curious, Brett coloured his beard orange.

BOOK would've liked to post a picture of Brad with a beard but Brad has yet to grow one. His work required he was clean shaven (so that translates into two shaves this entire summer) so that was his only excuse for not growing a beard, otherwise he'd have one, BOOK is sure of it.

Brad is anticipating a hair cut sometime sometime soon so those who want to feel it/have their pictures taken with it, have just a short while to do so.

This picture of Brett was taken after going
the entire school year of Grade 11 (in 2000) without cutting his hair.

Brad has gone from his Dr. Evil look to his
Hyde look all within 2002. He's experimented with a few variations of the fro. What will be next?

The summer of 2003 was not too eventful for Brett's hair, aside from the body shave, he streaked his hair fleurescent orange which turned out okay except it didn't last as long as anticipated.

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