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Where is Provost?
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Why is Provost the Place to be?

  • Provost welcomes visitors to a busy and modern community. Provost now has a new multi-use recreational facility in town.
  • It's a hunter's paradise (top middle) just a mile from Provost shows. The hunters arrive here from across Canada and many parts of the USA in the fall while deer season is also popular.
  • Politicians, oilfield executives and others land with large aircraft at the Provost airport (top right) featuring a runway that is one of rural Alberta's longest and best equipped.
  • The modern Health Care Centre (bottom left) serves a wide area with physicians backed up by RNs and other health care support staff. Hillcrest Lodge is just across the street where plans are being made for an expansion while a new seniors' condominium is also being planned nearby. The Provost Medical Centre meanwhile serves the community and many from across the border in Saskatchewan who travel here for medical and shopping needs.
  • The Provost Recreation and Culture Centre (bottom middle) is a well kept facility that caters to weddings, special events and other activities. In the building but in a separate area are well maintained bowling lanes.
  • This view shows Provost Public School to the right (near top) and the separate school, St. Thomas Aquinas to the left.
    ©Provost News Photos.

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