Brad and Brett get down to business and perform some tasty crunches to whip those abs into shape.

Check out their amazingly toned elbows.
Brett is incredibly pumped about Crazy Ab Week for BOOK.
Brad on the other hand is about to pass out from the intensity of BOOK workouts.
Brad and Brett punish their obliques like mad in this position! This hurts more than it looks like it would. Nonetheless, they get through them.
(The two of them then cried in separate corners after this exercise.)

Check out Brett's $10 shoes
"Worth every cent."
No, Brett and Brad are not trying to put footprints on the ceiling — they're giving their abs a nice workout on state of the art workout mats. We are definitely being spoiled!

This exercise turns out to be a great workout for fingers as well. Brad's hands are just built!

This is also a nice one for facial expressions. You'll make faces you never thought possible.

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