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May 8, 2024

Rain Welcomed

Here’s a look to the north east of Provost featuring part of Gillespie Lake — or what’s supposed to be a body of water. The water appeared to have already vanished this spring, which it often does later on each year. This photo was taken on Sunday, May 5 — and a welcome sight two days later, a look out a window saw fresh showers arriving on Tuesday. See related photos in The Provost News dated May 8, 2024. ©Provost News Photo.

More pictures, stories can be found in the print edition of The Provost News, May 8, 2024 including:

• Provost WWII Pilot to Be Honoured in Germany Marking 80th Anniversary Since Plane Crash & Death

• Employment

• TMX Now Carrying Crude Oil

• The Greatest Gift We Can Give Ourselves is to Be Present”— Chauvin Graduates Honoured

• Provost Soccer Club Kicks Off Season with 136 Players

• Provost M.D. Hosts First of Three Open Houses

This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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