Mik and Brett On a Quiet Sunday Night

Jag shows the weights who's boss as his shirt is on the verge of ripping in half. Mik's work ethic is only challenged by that of an ox. Mik is planning on getting ripped this summer and aquiring the nickname "King Muscle."

Brett follows Mik's lead and samples the bicep curls. Brett was very excited at this particular workout because he strutted his stuff in a brand spankin' new muscle shirt. Brett is also showing off his fabulous hat that he's been showing off since grade 4.

Brett and Mik get serious and take a break from all the humour involved in working out and relax with a nice swig of water.
On average, Brett drinks 260 more litres of water per workout than Mik (of course we're just rounding).
Brett risks chronic neck pain but all in all gets a better deal with the larger bottle. So it's all worth it, that is of course until a tsunami hits him in the face.