The Adventures of BOOK: Around Town

Brad flexxes like a mad-man as he
is pumped about Summer of BOOK. Brad actually
attempted to look fat in this picture but turned out to
be leaner than Ally McBeal... well...almost.

This picture of Brad is a magic eye and when you figure
it out you will see the word "BOOK" jump out at you.
Of course, we're just's impossible...stop trying
to do it...I said stop it! Jeepers, it's not really a magic
eye! Put the monitor down!!! Man oh man.

Brett is obviously obsessed with water as
he does some chin-ups on the old Provost
Water tower — Just for fun. Until a spider showed up and Brett
screamed and "flailed" into the lake. Fortunately, dead fish broke his fall.
And if you look extremely closely, hidden in the picture is BOOK!

No, Brad's not taking this to school for
Show and Tell (only because his mom said something
along the lines of "NO!!!") So Brad just squats the entire
thing as he burns those quads for the camera.
Brad pulled the water tower from Cadogan to where
it sits now, all in less than an hour.
(Brett and Brad have no idea why it was
in Cadogan in the first place)

Brett ignores Brad's awesome feat to
contemplate and clear his mind of all his worries and troubles.
Brett likes to meditate/watch the ducks at the local lake. Just for fun.
He envisions himself reaching his goal and
lifting 300 lbs on bench press later this summer. And if he
can't do that, he will cry... a LOT! Probably enough to
fill the lake right up to where he is sitting.
(Again, look very closely, I think you may be able to see BOOK
once again! It's continuously following Brett and Brad around.
They're going to have a very stern talk with it!)