
- Brad Fossen at just over 200 lbs and Brett Holmes at just under 190 lbs....reunited for some summer BOOKing. -
These are the first pictures Brad and Brett have done together in over 6 months.

This summer holds a lot in store for the two of them.
They hope to reshape their bodies more than last summer, push themselves to the extreme,
attain their ideal bodies, achieve significant goals, and comb their hair at least once a week.

As mentioned last week, Niles Rehmann will be joining the BOOK team,
but only if he does's a big part of BOOK. Currently, he refuses.

The three will work out using a revised BOOK program aptly named DUOTANG. DUOTANG is new to the
BOOK family, in fact it was just born last week. It is BOOK's first cousin and BOOK couldn't be more delighted.
(essentially the only difference is that the program has a few new exercises and is in a duotang, rather than a book).
They decided to just branch off of BOOK rather than start an entirely new non-BOOK program...they have to remember their roots.

Brad and Brett also can't wait to go pick up their $1100.00 rubber weight set soon to get into the Olympic-Style lifting.
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