Mik Jagger, Brettney Spears, and Bryan Bradams

Mik forces Brett to squeeze in those last reps as he shows the 85 pounders that
they're not worthy of him. Brett was anticipating a check-up at the dentist in
the near future so he checks out his teeth in the mirror as he works out to save
time, now that's talent! (Mik was terribly jealous, but don't tell him BOOK said that).

Brett then plays it cool and flexes in the mirror for
pretty much no reason at all.

Brett returns the favour by yelling various slogans at Mik as
Mik works his chest and shoulders like a mad-man.

(If you look closely at the art on the window, the woman is clearly upset and
I have a feeling she is trying to tell us that Mik is the one who stole her pants!
*GASP*. Again, don't tell him BOOK said that.)

(Actually, Brett just yells at random people using the third bench from the door,
and it just so happened that Mik was on it, and it just so happened the
BOOK camera was there - this picture is sheerly a coincidence. In fact, no
BOOK picture is ever planned.)

Guess who's gonna be back for BOOK 2 shortly ?
*sigh* good times.
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