Brett enjoys a nice read in front of the fire place. Brett does this evey night as he reviews his weights, reps, spots, and notes in BOOK.

He is on chapter 6 and seems to be enjoying it. Just wait till he hits the chapter 8 when the plot takes a twist and the protagonist and the antogonist meet up for a very critical duel. Ha ha ha... Brett's in for a surprise.
Is Brett colour co-ordinated or what??? Amazing.
Brad just can't put BOOK down! He can't get enough of it, he's Hooked on BOOK!

Next time maybe Brad should put BOOK down for just a second and make sure the toilet seat is up. But what can he say? BOOK requires BOOK kinda people.

Brad also always wears his gloves, you know, just for fun.
Is Brad colour co-ordinated
or what??? Amazing.

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