Milk Monday

Boyd Lyon (left), Brett and Joel Holmes enjoy one of many shots of milk during the first Milk Monday.

Milk Monday was a milk drinking competition that the three BOOKies participated in.
The ultimate goal was to drink 4 litres of warm skim milk each. This was to be done within an hour.
Little did they know how difficult that would be.

The three made a pretty big dent in the jugs of milk on the shelf in the background, but no one was able to reach the goal of 4-litres.

The contest began with a one-litre primer in the first 6 minutes, then shots of milk ensued at 20 second intervals.

Boyd (above) was the first to throw in the towel and do a little vomitting over the front rail. Joel (right) followed suite shortly after.
Brett was the last one standing, but also hit the rail after he drank just under 3 litres. Brett was five shots away from drinking 3 litres.
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