BOOKing it to Lethbridge - Page 2
Brett and Niles stop at this store near a campground after completing 72.23 kms. Unfortunately it was about 8 in the morning
and they couldn't buy anything. Just great. Judging from Brett's pictures however, it's clear he's perfectly cool with that.

Brett on the verge of passing out. Moments earlier
he hit his max speed for the trip of 63.9 km/hr.

Brett gets a split second of shut-eye prior to doing
some much needed stretching. Niles and Brett
stretched out for about 10 minutes here.
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Niles, who did his best impression of Tom Cruise on the entire trip with
his attire, gets set for the next leg of the journey. Little did he or Brett know
that it would be unbelievably tough as it seemed it was constantly uphill and
against the wind for the next 50-75 kms.