Reading Week Extravaganza

- Get out your HB Pencils for a pop quiz...look at the pictures and try to answer the questions -
Question 1:
What is Niles doing?
a) His best impression of a rapping duck?
b) He's trying to brush his hair but discovered there's a big invisible dome around his head and his hands are as close as they'll ever get.
c) He's trying to explain how tall the ideal woman of his dreams should be.
d) Performing his favourite bodybuilding pose.

Question 2: What is Brett doing?
a) Pointing to where he'd rather be (aka. as far from Niles as possible)?
b) Doing his own version of The Macarena?
c) He's wondering how he ever managed to drive from Lethbridge to Provost in this very position.
d) Performing his favourite bodybuilding pose.

Although the rest of the options are good guesses, "d" is the proper response for both questions. If you answered both correctly,
print this page, mail it in along with $20 cash and Niles or Brett will personally phone you to congratulate you.
While friends are off in Mexico and other amazing places for Reading Week having the time of their lives,
Niles and Brett are in Provost showing off their favourite bodybuilding poses to one another.
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