The Most Peaceful Workout . . . Ever!
Down at the duck ponds, Chad doesn't waste any time as he hops up onto an empty garbage can holder and gets into some squats.

Chad is also on the lookout for litterers. He can't stand seeing the land where the ducks are so prominent be spoiled. He heads out to the lake and checks on the ducks twelve times a day and does a thousand squats in that very spot each time. Chad runs and frolicks with the ducks after every 100 squats, with the occasional game of "Duck, Duck, Goose". He then assumes the squat position shortly thereafter to repeat it all over again. He claims he's just giving something back to the ducks, because they've done so much for him already.

Of course, he's referring to the time when he was a small boy and his house caught fire during the night. The ducks, who just happened to be in the neighbourhood, saw this and pulled Chad out of the black smog and blazing flames. With soot all over the ducks' feathers, Chad realized they had saved his life.
Brett gets down to business with some ledge crunches for his abs on this old windmill type thing that had fallen over (on it's own, Brett swears).

Brett makes sure not to severe himself on the sharp metal. Brett knows the risk or injury but ignores it because he know the benefits greatly exceed the risk. In fact, Brett risked many diseases by swimming across that little disgusting lake you see in the background, just to get to where he is right now. If anyone knows the importance of ledge crunches, it's Brett.

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