BOOK . . . Out On The Town

For his job, Chad spends countless hours during the day filling and moving hundreds of these flower pots all over town.
He strategically places them in perfect locations to provide maximum viewing satisfaction and "feel good"
feelings for locals of Provost, those who visit Provost, and those who are simply passing by.
The flowers represent kindness, homeliness, and food for wild game and stray house cats.

However, Brett plays a never-ending prank on Chad, moving the flower pots just a few
inches from their "perfect" location while getting a full body workout at the same time.
Chad shows up to work the next day and is very irate! He can't believe someone has moved his flower pots. Again!

Photo left shows Chad, upset as can be, putting the pot back into it's original spot after Brett had moved it.
Brett waited behind a bush and when Chad left, Brett pulled the pot back to
its "not-so-perfect" location, as you can see in the right hand photo.

Chad doesn't even suspect that it's Brett . . . or does he?

Of course, the full-body workout is the most significant by-product of this prank, for both Chad and Brett.
So they both win . . . or do they? Yea, well I guess they do, if you look at it the right way. Depends how you interpret it.
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