Reaching Out

One of several volunteers, Myron Ganser stretches to clean off a wall that reaches high inside St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in town as renovations are underway. One of the changes seen here are new stained glass windows that have been purchased by the parish. ©Provost News Photo. More in August 31 edition of The Provost News. Want to Subscribe to The Provost News? Click here.
Late Rains Hold Up Harvest
Rains late in the crop year have held up harvesting operations in the Provost area.
General manager of operations for Agricore United, Darrell Huber says that recent rains in the area have ranged from three to five inches the past week which is “definitely a lot” for this time of year.
Crops generally are looking to be average or above average but some fall rye is now sprouting due to the heavy rainfall so that will probably de-grade some of those crops.
A couple of loads of rye has been brought into the grain terminal east of Provost but it will take a week on drying weather before machines are back on the landand then the swathing will begin in earnest.
Although some farmers in northern Alberta are battling bertha armyworms the local crops have been spared serious damage from the pests. There have been reports to the north of 30 to 70 armyworms per square meter, while in one field there were so many they could not be counted.
Full story in August 31 edition of The Provost News.
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