Senior hockey players Darcy Varty, left along with Sheldon Stempfle and Wes Ganser behind a wall of flying ice put on the brakes and show the photographer what some goalies face during action. Brian Varty, who is behind the bench of the Blades again this year says that of 18 to 19 players on the roster about a half dozen are new to the team. ©Provost News Photo.
Senior Hockey League Expands to 11 Teams
This years Battle River Hockey League is expanding to 11 teamsthe most that local Greenhead Blades manager can remember seeing.
Marty Lawes says that there will be two divisions, this year with Provost situated in the east.
Accompanying Provost will be teams from Hughenden, Consort, Sedgewick, Irma and Wainwrightback after approximately a five years absence of play here.
In the west division will be Viking, Daysland, Castor, Big Valley and new to the BRHL will be Tofield.
Provost and those in the east will play each team in the west division with a home and home set.
Meanwhile those teams in the east division will play each other three times each except for one team that will play only twice in the 24 game schedule.
The BRHL executive remains the same as last year with Hughendens Glenn Martin as president and Aaron Gramlich also of Hughenden as secretary-treasurer. Lawes says that they are excited about the new teams and towns represented in the league.