- Brad at 207 lbs and Brett at 187 lbs. -
Brad's weight is hovering around the 207 lbs area while Brett is at the most he has ever weighed in his life.
Brad is back from his vacation and is determined to pump things up like never before for the
last month of summer, and that even includes doing the leg days.

Brett has spent every weekday of the past two weeks in swimming lessons,
which involve swimming over half a kilometre (600m) every other day.
At first Brad and Brett were puzzled why Brett was gaining weight with this additional cardio,
they then concluded that the majority of the gains must be muscle, which is what BOOK is all about.

Brad's body loved the week off, as you can see in the pictures, he is looking more defined than ever.
Brett's back definition is starting to pick up as well since bumping his reps up to 8.